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Solar Energy

Energy Solutions

Committed to Sustainable Solutions


Unlock Efficiency Across Industries with VoltOx. From telecom to healthcare, manufacturing to beyond, VoltOx is the ultimate solution for a range of sectors. Powered by the innovative Emission Reduction Control Unit (ERCU), VoltOx slashes fuel consumption, prolongs generator lifespan, and maximizes operational efficiency.

Bid farewell to excessive costs as remote control access and reduced emissions become the new norm. Embrace the power of VoltOx today and revolutionize your energy management for a brighter and more sustainable future.


Empowering Energy Storage. Invinity is a leading provider of cutting-edge energy storage solutions, revolutionizing the way we harness and utilize renewable energy.

With a focus on longevity and efficiency, Invinity's advanced vanadium flow batteries offer unparalleled performance and reliability.

Whether for grid-scale applications or off-grid installations, Invinity's solutions enable seamless integration of renewables, ensuring a sustainable and resilient energy future.

Explore Invinity today and unlock the power of sustainable energy storage.

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Solagenica Technologies Inc. is a cutting-edge company revolutionizing building structures with their innovative solutions. Their proprietary fiber-glass skin applied to Structural Insulated Panels (SIP) creates durable and better-insulated structures. By embedding panels with no-glass solar technology, they offer the unique Solagenica Solar Structural Insulated Panel (SSIP).

Solagenica's versatile technology caters to various sectors, including residential, telecommunications, agriculture, mining, and mobile solar. Their expertise extends to designing efficient renewable energy applications, energy storage systems, and off-grid power solutions.

With Solagenica, customers can expect customized and scalable solutions for their unique needs, ensuring exceptional results in sustainable building and energy utilization.

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